Divining Quality in Education Paper's

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Divining Quality in Education Paper's
1.1. Background of Study.
            In all aspects of the school and its surrounding education community, the rights of the whole child, and all children, to survival, protection, development and participation are at the centre. This means that the focus is on learning which strengthens the capacities of children to act progressively on their own behalf through the acquisition of relevant knowledge, useful skills and appropriate attitudes; and which creates for children, and helps them create for themselves and others, places of safety, security and healthy interaction. (Bernard, 1999).
            What does quality mean in the context of education? Many definitions of quality in education exist, testifying to the complexity and multifaceted nature of the concept. The terms efficiency, effectiveness, equity and quality have often been used synonymously (Adams, 1993). Considerable consensus exists around the basic dimensions of quality education today, however. Quality education includes: Learners who are healthy, well-nourished and ready to participate and learn, and supported in learning by their families and communities; Environments that are healthy, safe, protective and gender-sensitive, and provide adequate resources and facilities; Content that is reflected in relevant curricula and materials for the acquisition of basic skills, especially in the areas of literacy, numeracy and skills for life, and knowledge in such areas as gender, health, nutrition, HIV/AIDS prevention and peace. 

  2.1            Defining Quality in Education

            Processes through which trained teachers use child-centred teaching approaches in well-managed classrooms and schools and skilful assessment to facilitate learning and reduce disparities; Outcomes that encompass knowledge, skills and attitudes, and are linked to national goals for education and positive participation in society. This definition allows for an understanding of education as a complex system embedded in a political, cultural and economic context. This paper will examine research related to these dimensions. It is important to keep in mind education’s systemic nature, however; these dimensions are interdependent, influencing each other in ways that are sometimes unforeseeable.
            This definition also takes into account the global and international influences that propel the discussion of educational quality (Motala, 2000; Pipho, 2000), while ensuring that national and local educational contexts contribute to definitions of quality in varying countries (Adams, 1993). Establishing a contextualized understanding of quality means including relevant stakeholders. Key stakeholders often hold different views and meanings of educational quality (Motala, 2000; Benoliel, O’Gara & Miske, 1999). Indeed, each of us judges the school system in terms of the final goals we set for our children our community, our country and ourselves (Beeby, 1966).

            Definitions of quality must be open to change and evolution based on information, changing contexts, and new understandings of the nature of education’s challenges. New research — ranging from multinational research to action research at the classroom level— contributes to this redefinition. Systems that embrace change through data generation, use and self-assessment are more likely to offer quality education to students (Glasser, 1990). Continuous assessment and improvement can focus on any or all dimensions of system quality: learners, learning environments, content, process and outcomes. Each of these will be discussed below.

Paper of Teaching And Learning Process

02:13:00 Add Comment
Paper of Teaching And Learning Process

A.    Background of Study
Individual students may be better suited to learning in a particular way, using distinctive modes for thinking, relating and creating. The notion of students having particular learning styles has implications for teaching strategies. Because preferred modes of input and output vary from one individual to another, it is critical that teachers use a range of teaching strategies to effectively meet the needs of individual learners. Sound health instruction should incorporate a variety of teaching methods intended to complement the learning styles of children. This should lead to young learners who are both intrinsically and extrinsically motivated to inquire, infer, and interpret; to think reflectively, critically and creatively; and in the final analysis to make use of the knowledge and skills they have gained by becoming effective decision-makers.
A student-centred approach which actively engages the young person in the learning process is critical if skills which result in healthy behaviours are to be fostered and developed. Some of the learning strategies that could be incorporated in a comprehensive approach include self-directed learning, co-operative learning, role playing, behavioural rehearsal, peer education and parent involvement. Consideration should be given to allowing students to plan some learning experiences. They could be provided with opportunities to identify topics or areas for further study, contribute information relevant to an issue for study and/or make suggestions for follow-up activities.


A.    The Definition of Teaching and Learning Process
Teaching is an active process in which one person shares information with others to provide them with the information to make behavioral changes. Learning is the process of assimilating information with a resultant change in behavior. Teaching-learning process is a planned interaction that promotes behavioral change that is not a result of maturation or coincidence. Andragogy is the art and science of helping adults learn.
A number of students will require support to meet the objectives of the prescribed curriculum. This support may be in the form of changes in teaching strategies, approaches or materials and may require the support of resource and/or special education teachers. The Department’s Special Education Policy Manual provides direction in meeting the needs of students who require alternate or modified curriculum objectives.
A student-centred approach which actively engages the young person in the learning process is critical if skills which result in healthy behaviours are to be fostered and developed. Some of the learning strategies that could be incorporated in a comprehensive approach include self-directed learning, co-operative learning, role playing, behavioural rehearsal, peer education and parent involvement. Consideration should be given to allowing students to plan some learning experiences. They could be provided with opportunities to identify topics or areas for further study, contribute information relevant to an issue for study and/or make suggestions for follow-up activities.
Students should also be given the opportunity for self-assessment and be encouraged to evaluate their habits, attitudes, and behaviours with respect to personal health and well-being. This can be accomplished through real-life activities or simulations in which students can become involved in a meaningful way. Activities such as recording eating habits and designing a plan for healthy eating, taking a classmate’s pulse, and analyzing advertisements for obvious and hidden messages, help young people apply their understanding of concepts to everyday situations and occurrences.
The school environment must be a supportive and non-threatening one in which both the students and the teacher are comfortable. This is critical for the child’s cognitive, physical, social and emotional growth.
Within the classroom, teachers need to be sensitive to values which are promoted by family, peers, friends, religious and cultural backgrounds. The health classroom provides numerous opportunities for students to share personal anecdotes, ask explicit questions and make disclosures. The climate of the classroom must be such that students may speak openly while being assured of the confidentiality, trust and respect of their classmates and teacher. The nature of some incidents may warrant professional intervention in which case School Board policy must be followed. (Note: The issue of confidentiality is addressed in the section entitled Role of the Teacher.)
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Peta Kecamatan Gandapura

01:59:00 Add Comment
    Gandapura adalah sebuah kecamatan di Kabupaten Bireuen bagian timur laut, Provinsi AcehIndonesia. Kecamatan ini beribukota di Gampong Geurugok. Nama Gandapura berarti "dua gerbang".

Makalah Seni Tari Tradisional Aceh

02:13:00 Add Comment
Makalah Seni Tari Tradisional Aceh

A.    Latar Belakang Masalah
Seni tari tradisional aceh dapat disajikan sebagai sebuah paket wisata dengan tersedianya tenaga kreatif yang benar-benar memahami dan menggemari kesenian Aceh yang ada didamping itu juga didukung oleh pemain-pemain seni tari yang penuh didikasi mau belajar dengan sungguh-sungguh untuk keperluan penyajian paket wisata budaya.
Seni budaya yang dimiliki menjadi paket-paket yang sangat menarik karena memperlihatkan ke khasannya tersendiri,proses pengolahannya menuntut kemampuan estetika dan pandangan kedepan yang sesuai dengan landasan ideal masyarakat dan tidak meyimpang dari ciri-ciri kepribadian masyarakat aceh.yang islami dan tidak menyimpan dari spirit keislaman dan ini terlihat jelas dalam berbagai tarian, baik sedati saman,debus,ranup lampuan dan taraian tradisional lainnya.
Dalam berbagai manifestasi seni dinyatakan sebagai karya-karya seni rupa dan seni pertunjukan. Dalam bentuk yang bagaimanapun karya seni rupa, musik, tari, drama atau sastra, memiliki corak kehidupan batin manusia yang khas, dengan diberkati kepekaan perasaan estetis yang relatif untuk mengembangkan ide, motif atau tema karya seni selengkapnya.
Berdasarkan pada bentuknya kesenian dapat dibagi atas 3 (tiga) kategori, yaitu seni rupa (visual art), seni pertunjukan (performing art) dan seni arsitektur . Kesenian dalam perwujudan kultural dengan sangat jelas memperlihatkan keanekaragaman tradisi di tanah air kita. Bisa dikatakan bahwa bukan saja kesatuan-kesatuan etnis-kultural atau suku-bangsa yang mempunyai kesenian yang berbeda antara satu dengan yang lainnya, bahkan terkadang komunitas-komunitas kecil memperlihatkan versi-versi yang berbeda dari bentuk dan perwujudan seni yang sama.


Sesuai dengan apa yang kita ketahui bahwa tari merupakan bahagian daripada kesenian. Tari merupakan gerakan badan (tangan dsb) yang berirama dan biasanya diiringi dengan bunyi-bunyian (musik, gamelan dst) . Seni tari merupakan seni menggerakkan tubuh secara berirama, biasanya sejalan dengan musik. Gerakan-gerakan itu dapat dinikmati sendiri, pengucapan suatu gagasan atau emosi, atau menceritakan suatu kisah, dapat pula digunakan untuk mencapai keadaan semacam mabuk atau tak sadar bagi yang menarikannya. Kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang demikian itu, menjadikan tari sebagai ciri pokok pada kehidupan agama, masyarakat dan seni dalam kebudayaan pada umumnya .

Berikut ini seni tari yang ada di aceh antara lain :
Selengkapnya >>>>>

Gametogenesis Cacing Nipah

01:53:00 Add Comment
Gametogenesis Cacing Nipah


                Cacing nipah (Namalycastis rhodochordetelah dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat Kota Pontianak sebagai umpan untuk memancing ikan dan udang. Cacing ini dijual di pasar-pasar tradisional dengan harga relatif tinggi. Harga satu ekor cacing nipah hidup Rp 6.000-25.000 per ekor dengan berat antara 5-50 g. Karakteristik cacing nipah yang khas adalah warnanya merah muda dan panjang tubuh saat meregang dapat mencapai 250 cm (Junardi 2008). Cacing ini termasuk spesies yang baru diketahui (new species) dalam kelas polychaeta (Glasby et al. 2007).
              Cacing nipah diambil langsung oleh petani pengumpul dengan cara menggali dari habitatnya di kawasan hutan nipah yang mendominasi komunitas mangrove muara Sungai Kakap. Pengambilan cacing nipah sangat intensif, seiring dengan tingginya konversi hutan mangrove. Hutan mangrove Sungai Kakap saat ini sebagian mulai dialihfungsikan untuk berbagai kepentingan antara lain pemukiman, ladang penduduk, dan industri. Hal ini dikhawatirkan akan menyebabkan menurunnya populasi cacing nipah, sementara itu pontensi lain cacing ini belum diketahui. Budidaya adalah upaya yang tepat untuk mencegah pengambilan berlebih cacing nipah di alam. Aspek biologi reproduksi sangat penting sebagai landasan pengetahuan dalam budidaya (Olive 1999).
     Keberhasilan budidaya sangat ditentukan oleh teknik produksi massal larva dan cacing muda. Kunci keberhasilan teknik ini sangat ditentukan oleh ketepatan dalam menentukan tahapan pembentukan gamet atau gametogenesis sehingga dapat ditetapkan kapan waktu terbaik untuk melakukan fertilisasi artifisial.