Example of Background of The Reasearch



1.1.Background of the Research
            Speaking is one of four language skill, and it is one of a very important role in communication activity. Speaking is “the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbol in a variety of context” (chaney, 1998, p.13). Speaking also productive oral skill and it consist of producing system verbal utterance to convey meaning. This skill needs some ability such as good vocabulary, confident and motivation to practice, so that someone’s should be easier to learn English.
            Teaching speaking needs effort, moreover if the students do not use English in their daily as well. The students do not have courage to speak without enough knowledge and bravery, besides there are many aspects that discourage the students to speak. As already known, most of the English learners, especially the students in senior high school level got the difficulties to speak. This matter is caused by many factors, like as internal factors from student themselves, like not confident, not fluent, scared in mispronounce when they spoke with the other, or they feel that their vocabulary is limited to speak in front of people. But failure of students in performing their speaking is also caused by external factors like inappropriate teaching ways or less effective method that is used by teacher at school to improve student’s ability in speaking.
            The researcher was interesting to improve students in speaking ability because there were some problems that face d by students when they won to speak. There are two problems that found by the researcher such as low in vocabulary and not confident. These problems are feel all of the student at senior high school level when they start to speak. Therefore the researcher tried to find a technique to solve some problem in speaking.
            The other hand if talking about problem, low in vocabulary is the biggest problem that happens for student at senior high school level. Therefore most of student’s unconfident to practice their speaking ability. Low in vocabulary also will make the students low motivation, so that should be effect to their knowledge and capability to speak well.
            The researcher recommends one of the techniques that can be used by the teacher to improve students’ ability in speaking skill. It is dialog memorization technique. Dialog memorization is a visual technique for vocabulary expansion and develops confident. The other hand, dialog memorization also helps students to know many types of text, such as narration, description, and exposition by teacher explanation. So that, the students can increases their knowledge about something and should not be boring in teaching-learning process.
            The dialog memorization technique also one f the techniques that will make teaching process successful. It will help student in some cases, such as the students should be know how to communicate politely. Every dialog that will give to the students must be sensor by the teacher, and appropriate with the curriculum at senior high school level. The basic ideas why do we use this technique because this technique will help students to speak fluently and politely.
            Base on the statements above, the researcher choose the title of this proposal is improving students’ in speaking ability by using dialog memorization technique.    

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