The judgments of society
Picture 1
In this picture behind of the building there is a group of people who want to come to the leader to responsible the obligation of the chief. And there are some pictures above the head of the remonstrant and ask to the leader to overcome some cases such as to explore the secret loan, do not make the society become suffering and they hope the leader not only just think to the political instrument but should think about the society.

Teaching the students
Picture 2
Mr, ali teach the Ppkn class ten hours a week. He stand in front of the class and point out his left hand and hold book with his right hand. When the class is almost up Mr ali ask a question to his students about the national warrior then thestudents suddenly answer the wrong respond, three of them answer our national warrior is Spiderman, power ranger and Jaka Tingkir. We can say what a pity are they!

The Spiderman among the soldiers
Picture 3
In this picture there are a lot of soldiers are busy and waiting for the enemies and want to war the people who are disagree with country perception. While they are busy, suddenly a superman comes with his style and stand in front of one soldier and make a joke, ask to shoot himself and but the soldier who stand beside building just stay relax.

The controversial national examination
Picture 4
During this year the national examination are always being asked by the society in public environment. Because some people who have the degree in some school they would use the national examination as a chance to afford some money. While the students, they have a great problem in their head, how to pass the national examination. So in the end the students will buy the answers from the cruel man.

Joining between the leaders of party
Picture 5
In Indonesia there are more than twenty politic parties. Each of them has their own purpose in running the duty. Some for the country and some for privates, But all people do hope to the leader of parties to work together and make good relation between themselves in order to make the country more develop and increase and without bad action in future time.

Messi’s celebration
Picture 6
Leonel Messi is one of the best football player in the world, he support the Barcelona team in 2006 to 2011. He has a great skill in playing the ball in the field and almost all the couch want to recruit him as a player in their own team. Because he always make goals when he plays in field and his celebrations are very polite to the other. Never made other angry and he is called “the fastest man“

Chasing by beast
Picture 7
In the normal situation we will never be able to jump the higher gate around one point five (1.5) m. because it is hard to do by all people to reach the top of the gate. But if we are in the urgent situation such as we are chased by the dog, tiger, and so on. Without realizing we will be able to jump as high as we can to avoid the chasing from the beast or mad man.

Choosing the national leader
Picture 8
In electing the national election or local election leaders we must be able to know the candidates well before the election days come. Find out their background of life, study, polite, and their career. And we have to decide long day before, also the ability in maintaining the obligation. In other hand, if we decide in the election room, we will spend much time to choose who the best one is, and then the other will be angry wait for us.

The weakness of Spiderman
Picture 9
In this picture let’s describe about the man who have great ability in imagination movie. He always helps people who need the help, fly everywhere he wants, but in the other situation Spiderman have to sleep in the hospital, cannot move anywhere and weak. When marry Jane need help, who will help her from the bandit? Because he has no powers any longer.

The memory of Mbah Surip
Picture 10
Mbah Surip is one of a popular singer in Indonesia, he just spent the time in entertainment for few month in earning much money and create some funny songs such as “ bangun tidur tidur lagi “ and I love you full” the song was very popular before he died. After he dead the supporter only can say goodbye and sleep in long time to him. Because he left the unforgettable memories in society life. Such as his behavior, guitar, dress, and unique hair.